Is your nursing journey about to start? Are you full of excitement but also scared, anxious, and nervous? Trust me; I feel all of these emotions. When we sit and think about the joys of nursing school, it can quickly turn to thoughts of doubt—doubting our abilities to provide the best care possible to individuals from all walks of life; doubting our ability to think critically. I have an aunt, a nurse, who gave me some advice that allowed me to take that anxiety and doubt and throw it completely out of the window. She said: "No instructor expects you to walk in knowing anything. You'll learn everything you need to learn throughout the program. BREATHE!" And that's exactly what I did. I didn't open any of my books. I had days where I was completely lazy. I did a deep clean around my apartment, took random drives, visited old friends from high school and the military, and even enjoyed a glass of wine and a movie.
Because let's be honest, we'll be covered in assignments, reading the material, and studying drastically throughout the entirety of our program. But we won't be alone. We'll have our classmates who will be our most significant support and our instructors who will give the best education and learning opportunities possible to be the best nurses we strive to be! Another common mistake we can be guilty of is comparing ourselves or our journey to other students. We see a post of those who have failed outright at the end, or we may see others who are straight-A students. That can add unnecessary stress that we don't need. Your journey will not compare to the next. Someone's journey will not compare to yours. It's ok to stay after class for remediation on a subject. It's ok that you're having a hard time with conversions or passing skills on your very last try. Find your strength, and most important of all, FIND YOUR WHY! Why did you choose to become a nurse? What factor in your life solidified that decision? Your children? A nurse that you worked with? Was it a lifelong dream of yours? What motivates you? Finding a support group will allow you to connect with other nursing students who are just as nervous and excited as you. That most definitely made me feel better. Connecting with someone I didn't know, but we had something in common: a feeling of anxiousness as we start something new. Not only did it make me feel better, but it took so much pressure off of my shoulders when I realized that these feelings are natural. But to conquer fear is to do it. And as we say in the military: "Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast!"
Written by: Devianta Ellis
Instagram: studentnurse.dre